What I Write

I write contemporary romantic suspense. Oh, wait, didn't I say that already? Maybe I should talk about something else then.
I also write futuristic / paranormal romances, or what I personally like to call science fiction romance, because the stories have very few paranormal elements and a great many science fiction elements. Of course, I love science fiction and fantasy (although not nearly as much as I love romance!) so I had to work those elements into my stories. And yes, the futuristic WIP I currently have on hold does have a dead body in it. A couple of them, in fact. ;-) (You can take a look at my favorite science fiction and fantasy authors as long as you're willing to overlook the unfinished page.)
Check out a short story I wrote: Fantasy Man. Think you can guess what magazine rejected it? Read it.
I'm not going to bore you with the details of my works in progress. Simply put, I'm still unpublished, but I've had some luck with my queries. :-) At the moment, I'm working hard to finish a manuscript for which I had a request for the full. Wish me luck!
I have a progress journal which I update sporadically, but you're more than welcome to check it out.
Some Awards to Mention:
The Road to Ruin placed second in SMRW's 2002 Laurie contest.
High Swing placed second in SMRW's 2003 Sweet, Spicy, and Spooky contest.
Since those are the only two contests I've ever bothered to enter, I can't complain. :-) As you can probably guess, I haven't yet found contests to be all that helpful. Seems kind of wasteful to me to put out $20 - $40 for a chance to have an editor or agent look at a manuscript, and that happens only IF the entry finals. I know there are people who have had success with contests, but I'd rather try a query first ($0.37), then, if that doesn't get a request for more, I can try the more expensive contest route.